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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

When I agreed to take on an additional role of working through the process of admissions with international students, I wasn't sure what to expect...but I knew it may be complicated.  There are a lot of things to learn about VISA regulations and making sure everything is reported correctly to Homeland Security.  Plus, there is sometimes a language barrier or challenge in communicating essential requirements and expectations for admission to these students.  However, there are days like today when I get to meet a student....tour them around campus....talk to them and ask them to tell me their story...that make my job so fulfilling.  Today, I met a foreign exchange student from Thailand.  She has been in the States for a couple years and came to accept Christ while she has been here.  Coming out of a Buddhist family tradition, it doesn't sound like she will have overwhelming support from home....but, she has a burning desire to become educated in Business and Ministry and her passion is to go back, start a business in Thailand and use it to advance the Gospel of Christ.  It is such a privilege to meet these REAL people....she has already seen struggle and has experienced what it means to GO somewhere unfamiliar to her...I love that she already has such a strong sense of purpose in knowing Christ...and she is intentionally going after it!

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