McKenna turns 13 tomorrow....CRAZY! We mentioned if she wanted to she could invited boys as well as girls to her party.....that has been interesting. She decided she wanted to do that, so Brad told her she needed to be the one to make the arrangements. It was hilarious to watch her determining to make the calls with the phone in her hand...."okay....okay....I'm gonna call now"......and then run through the house with the phone...."I CAN'T DO THIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSS!" Well, she finally did it :) She has 4 girlfriends and 3 guyfriends coming to her skating/laser tag party tomorrow.

And today Kassi and Danielle's classes have to watch "THE VIDEO" (the one about the changes that happen in your body as you become an adult)....they both joked that they want to skip school :P Yesterday Kassi asked me if I would come and watch it with her class....she said parents could come if they wanted to. I found that such a privilege for her to ask me....should be interesting and may lead to some important conversations. Every day is an adventure, right?!
Happy Friday!
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