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Monday, May 2, 2016

Celebrating a grad?  Meeting all the incoming students and parents this past weekend and hearing stories from alumni who were super excited their kids were choosing their school made me think about all of that... lots of warm fuzzies....I still have a couple years, but what about this idea?......About 18 days from graduation start celebrating each year of their life with something meaningful....a sweet or funny memory or inside joke and a picture of them at that age.  At the end of that time, give them a keepsake, a letter, or take them out to celebrate them and tell them how the time really seemed to go by that fast.

One of the greatest opportunities we have as parents is to make sure our children receive a blessing from us....sometimes we are so busy planning parties and activities at times like these that we forget what we really want to convey to them is a permanent blessing for their heart.  I think we should be intentionally doing it all throughout their childhood while they are in our homes, but I know how it can seem like we are often trying to keep them on track and disciplined, managing their activities, and working to correct them when they get off track.  Besides all of that, they start making their own choices and sometimes we don't agree with their choices and allow some walls to come between us.  However, becoming an adult and knowing someone loves you and is proud of who you are and who you are becoming even if you don't or haven't always seen eye-to-eye on everything is such a deeply meaningful thing for a young adult.  Many parents miss or neglect the opportunity to do this....and I think, in turn, miss blessings down the road too from a child who understood they were loved unconditionally and that there are never any obstacles on the road toward home.

Do you know that being heroic or, more specifically, COURAGEOUS used to mean something very close to "speaking from the depths of your heart"....the root of courageous is cor, the Latin word for heart.  These days being brave isn't always equated with speaking your heart as much as it is with bold actions, but it does take bravery to be intentional and vulnerable...to show inner strength, honesty, commitment and love....to take action with the time we have been given.

Now, go be a hero and bless your kids :)

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