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Friday, May 13, 2016

Nana's Got A Brand New Bag

Getting ready to jive at the big gymnastics show tomorrow...

Danielle and Kassi's beginner class and Karly's Spark's class are performing tomorrow.

Having fun modeling their new leos

And I had fun getting all their hair up into nice buns really fast right after work

After we took Karly's hair out of the bun it was all wavy and curly, so she thought she really looked like me :)

Grandma Billington came to visit us for the gymnastics show tomorrow and treated us to the Parlour after practice to start celebrating Danielle's birthday a week early :P

So Kassi and Danielle were trying to show grandma how big the servings were at the Parlour on the way there, but she was driving and couldn't see them...so I told them to think of something about the same size as the ice cream to explain it to her.....and they said, "the ice cream is as big as....YOUR PURSE, Grandma!"


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