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Saturday, May 14, 2016

We thoroughly enjoyed our day at the gymnastics show!  All these girls have done well learning new skills this year!  Kassi and Danielle wanted to try the beginner gymnastics class and they did very well, but I don't think they are as interested in continuing in it as Karly is.  They are thinking about participating in cheerleading next year....and Kassi is going into middle school so she tried out for the band and wants to play saxophone....that is a whole new sound in our home now :)...oboe, trumpet, saxophone....sometimes, flute.  She also wants to learn percussion, but she can't try out for that until she is in 7th grade.

They are stars!  I am so proud of them for working hard on their individual accomplishments but also learning about teamwork!

Then Brad and I had an opportunity through our friend, Chris Cardwell, to register to be bone marrow donors.  I told some of Chris's inspiring story on my blog a while back, but he had been diagnosed with a type of Leukemia and there was no perfect match for him ....they even search bone marrow donors around the world because I think there was someone in France who was a close match.  Anyway, in his case, his doctors chose to do a more experimental procedure with cord blood and his body accepted it and he has experienced complete healing.  He has also gained a passion to help raise awareness for the extreme need for bone marrow donors.  You have to be between 18-44 years old to be added to the registry....but then I think you can be selected as a match for someone until you are 61 years old.  All they had to do today was a funny cheek swab and get our contact information.  I think it would be such an exciting privilege to be contacted as a match for someone....especially now that I have witnessed someone go through the whole process and prayed for a match.

We never know when God might choose to make us the answer.

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