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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Demo Day

After I got off work, Brad played with the Bobcat....he hit and lifted the shed a bunch of times until he could push it up and over.  Then we took it apart piece by piece and separated the wood from the metal.  I had kind-of hoped the frame of it would be set into the ground really well and when we took off the old wood, roof, and siding there would have been this awesome structure underneath with cool looking rustic beams (and maybe one of those chandeliers....I mean...maybe!?) that we could just leave there as a little ARBOR....but alas, NO....there were nasty wasps nests and mice in between the walls of the thing....fun times!

Where the shed used to be....

We did find this guy in all the debris after pulling all the big pieces off the pile....it's wings were still wet and it couldn't fly, but it didn't look injured....just very new, so we wondered if it just came out of it's cocoon.

The girls put a twig over a bucket and just let it dry it's wings for the whole afternoon.....they sat by it and watched it for a LONG time....and then they got to watch it fly off.  It was funny that our DEMOlition day was it's DEMOnstration day :)  Well, I liked that anyway...kind-of the whole concept of when something dies....something else is born....God's proof that there is always hope.

I picked up Vannah from work and took Danielle to a friend's birthday party...it is funny that she was invited to someone else's party on her own birthday, but she REALLY wanted to go, so we are celebrating her party next weekend :)  I took Vannah and Danielle out on a little shopping excursion since they just happened to be with me and Vannah needed shoes for work and I wanted to let Danielle pick something fun today for her REAL birthday.  We spent a little over a hundred dollars and Vannah was SHOCKED.....she just got her first pay stub today, so she knew she made about the same amount from working the last three weekends.  She said, "It would have taken me three FULL days of work to buy these things!"  HAHA! I love that she is starting to understand the value of a dollar :P

And, how good it feels to rest at the end of a long day.
Enjoying my Mother's Day hammock for the first time on the perfect day!

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