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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Okay....Be VEWY VEWY Quiet

I'm inspecting some weird tracks in my yard....hmmmm....

Could they be toad tracks?  
Okay, so I have to tell you what these girls decided to call their little friend....I said, 
"Oh, what's it's name?"...and I thought they said, "Robbie" or "Rabbit"....but, no
it's Ravi Zacharias...the toad :P
That is like the perfect thing for PK's to think of...haha!

No, those weren't toad tracks....neither were they cheetah tracks because we followed the animal and only clocked it going about 4 miles an hour.....it was a LONG way home even though we only started about a mile away :P

Can you guess?


Brad is having some fun in our yard this weekend...I guess it is wedding garden phase number.....I have no idea.....I have been shoveling mulch for a long time since we had a few trees taken down and stumps ground up....he is planning to tear down that white shed in the background.

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