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Friday, May 27, 2016

I'll Get Right To The Point

Kenna and Vannah...with Brad as a chaperone...got to go to Cedar Point today with the 
Western Middle School band.

Vannah is helping to lead the Middle School Color Guard....that's her on the left looking very concerned about their hand positions...her flag is invisible!!...(it's the Nyquil...really. :)

There's Kenner....the second one with the flag on the right side...Brad said the march through Cedar Point took a whole 7 minutes....well, if you compare that to the time you are on a COASTER...that's a super long parade....it's all relative!

Kenna and her gang...

Vanner with her other high school friends who help with the middle school band.

:)  SELFIES....gotta love 'em

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