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Monday, May 9, 2016

The S.S. Luke 5:4

Lately I have been praying to the God of my nets.....I know that sounds weird, but I really want to experience effectiveness and I know I need to be guided by His wisdom in order to know where to use my time and efforts for the most productivity.  My main concern lately has been that I think and pray in this way for my job because it is very numbers driven....I have thousands of potential students, so it is sometimes hard to decide where to use my time wisely...HOWEVER, I think this applies to much more than our jobs...it is true in our relationships and in our desires to please God by sharing our faith.

I love that it tells us to go out into the deep.......get out of our comfort zone....do some things differently.....take some risks and that it commands us to let down our nets for a catch....to expect and prepare for God to bring us success.  I can say this way of praying has encouraged me and motivated me.  I laughed at myself when I was running contact reports this morning and setting my priorities for the day because I even said to myself, "This is GIT-R-DONE DAY, MONDAY!"...I love getting a lot done on Mondays. One of my favorite things about this verse is the "S" on the word nets.  It would be enough for God to fill a net with fish, but look what he is saying.....if you obey me and go out to the deep where I am instructing you to go....you better have MULTIPLE nets ready :)....DON'T MISS THAT LITTLE "S"....that would be a HUGE loss!

I don't mean to sound prosperity-driven and I am not promising anything like that, BUT I know God wants to bless us abundantly more than we can ask, think or imagine, so I AM saying, when you are faithful....be ready for HIM to pour out HIS blessings on you.

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