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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Kenna's Last Choir Concert

We enjoyed Kenna's last choir concert for the year tonight...the theme was "Homelands" so they sang some fun folk and patriotic songs as well as some songs from other countries.

One of the songs they sang was "Flanders Field" and their director had decided to honor veterans with that song so she emailed all parents earlier in the week for names of some veterans in our families.  I sent in the names of both of my grandpas.  They chose one of my grandpas to honor, so Kenna got to hold up part of a uniform and they made this...

The girls never knew my grandpas because they both passed away during the same year while I was in college, but they enjoy hearing stories about them and it makes me extremely happy that they are still very proud to honor them.

There is just something about that kind of pride..knowing someone you love very much put his entire life on the line for his country....I just want to live in a country that is worthy of that kind of sacrifice...I want to be a citizen that is worthy of all the sacrifices from these brave men and women....remembering fondly my Grandpa Billington and Grandpa Brinker.

Gerald Brinker

Shot down by fighters on mission to Brunswick on 11 Jan 1944 in B-17G #42-37867 'Berlin Ambassador. ' Prisoner of War (POW). Am w/ Oak Leaf Cluster/ ETO w/ 2 battle stars/ PH/ POW

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