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Saturday, August 1, 2015

Yes! We Have Arrived To Williamsburg, Virginia!

This is why we do not vacation often :P

KIDDING!  We all did a great job packing Iron Van and didn't even need to use our luggage topper....I read somewhere that you should lay all your vacation clothes and money out and then cut the the clothes in half and double the money....I get it....I think....only do you have to double the money because you will need to buy more clothes on vacation?  Just something I wondered during our 12 hour trip :P

It was a GORGEOUS day for the drive....so I can't complain!...well, I can, but I won't because there were more oooo's and ahhhhh's than UUUUUHHHGGGGs!  And, we only had to take 3 quarters away from Karly the whole trip.  We give the girls a roll of quarters for the trip....then, if they ask annoying questions or fight with their sisters we start taking quarters away.  I wish I would have known about this gem of wisdom a long time ago, but this is the second long trip we have used it for and it is amazing for our girls!

Some awesome friends from church blessed us for our adventure and brought us this humongous bag of snacks for the trip.  It included all the new Lay's flavors so we could sample them all....we sample two flavors today and we liked these the best of the two so far.

Around Washington DC we started encountering traffic jams that lasted almost until we were to Williamsburg....lots of stop and go, but I brought some traffic jammin' music...some old CDs so we were all good.  At one point Brad got pretty frustrated so I reached for a nice mellow Jim Brickman piano CD and he asked, "Are you trying to calm me down?".....:P  Savannah told him if we were the seven dwarfs, he would be grumpy :P....But, he did a great job....the last leg of a journey is so tiring anyway without all the traffic.

We had a surprise for the girls once we arrived.  We actually have 5 other people joining us here that they did not know about....so we got all checked in and then there was a knock at the door and Uncle Kent showed up....he lives near DC, so that wasn't so weird for the girls.  But, then a few minutes later there was another knock at the door and Grandma and Grandpa Foster showed up....now things are getting weird, right?...because they live in Horton, MI.  Then, a few minutes later....another knock....Savannah said, "I'm not getting it this time!".... and all the girls ran around screaming....my parents came to our door all the way from Carmel, IN...FUN TIMES!....making memories, right?!  

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