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Friday, August 14, 2015

Like, Speech!

We had a fun surprise this week....McKenna and Kassi had both written a paragraph to honor one of their favorite teachers and entered it in a contest our dentist was having to win some back to school supplies for class.  McKenna won the contest, so the teacher she nominated, Mrs. Hurt, won $250 dollars toward school supplies and McKenna won a gift card too for having the winning entry.

She was SOOOOO excited the day we told her the dentist had called us.....she was GIDDY!  McKenna does GIDDY really well!  He asked her to attend a movie event tonight and read what she wrote so he could present the money to Mrs. Hurt.  Kenna said she felt like she was the Valedictorian or something :)  Don't worry, I told her this does not take the place of her Valley-dictorian speech...she told me a while back that if she gets to be a Valedictorian she will deliver her speech valley-girl style.  You know when your kids promise you really weird things and you really want to hold them to what they said when they were little?  I always say...."can I get that in writing?".... :)

On the way to the Michigan Theatre for McKenna's speech and the movie, Battle At The Smithsonian....Vannah spent a lot of time (and MY hairspray :) curling Kenna's hair today for her big presentation.

Speech time with Dr Watterson!

Kenna and Mrs. Hurt.....one of her 6th grade teachers.

I didn't know it was going to storm tonight, but when it was time to leave we had to wade through a river to get to our van....this was at the front door of the Michigan Theatre.  We also got a spectacular lightning show on the way home.

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