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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

It's Re-LOVE-utionary

We are headed back to Colonial Williamsburg today....they have an interactive detective game for kids and our girls have already been playing some of the game online leading up to the trip (and learning some AMERICAN HISTORY....shhhh!....don't tell them they are learning in the summer.).....I am sure it will be fun to try to solve a mystery together.

People are normally bonded together in love or hatred.  Hatred can unite a people group pretty quickly and intensely, but it can never be lasting because it is built on a circumstance of feeling.  Once that event has passed...the bond is finished.....and hatred cannot be trusted because hate can grow and turn on anyone because it is only concerned with self....not the whole.

But, to be bonded in love....from the cause of and for the purpose to love....that is a whole different story.  God gives us 59 ONE ANOTHER verses in the Bible to describe what it looks like to live in the bonds of love.

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