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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The British Are Coming, The British Are Coming!

We got to be spies today at Colonial Williamsburg and participate in the King's Advance :)  We found out which British armed forces were advancing toward Williamsburg, how many troops were in their company and where they were planning to attack by finding clues and talking with colonists who were sympathetic to our cause....(although it wouldn't have worked for us without modern technology....one if by LAN and two if by C: ...ha!)

Waiting for our mission from Agent 109
....as far as everyone knows we are just a nice, normal family :)

....taking pictures of totally normal things like the Capital Building....

....then sneaking through backyard gardens and peering into wells to find clues....this one was found in the Governor's Stables....we accomplished our mission and saved the colonies from attack.

Ummm....spying makes one hungry :P

Patrick Henry did an awesome job!

Brad, asking Patrick Henry if he could be his apprentice....Brad, be Patrick's...not Patrick, be Brad's.  Patrick was still in character and didn't get that Brad REALLY wants to take over his job :)  We did note from this picture that Brad's shorts are the perfect length for being Patrick Henry.

One HUGE benefit of having both sets of grandparents on vacation with you.....DATE NIGHT!  With 5 kids sometimes that seems like a MISSION IMPOSSIBLE! (Which we saw tonight....keeping with a theme although we didn't plan that.)

Movie was finished at 9:59pm.....FROYO place closed at 10pm.

Yep...this day was pretty Fosterrific!

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