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Sunday, August 23, 2015

I love that our God enjoys revealing mysteries to us....giving us wisdom and understanding as we walk with Him...surprising us with goodness....sometimes giving us a challenge or, even pain, so that we will learn something new about ourselves and see, in better clarity, our relationship and our desperate need for Him.  

I also love that He uses stories, imagery, and analogies in scripture and prophecy to captivate us and cause us to want to search for the deeper meanings.  We are studying current events, prophecy, and history in a Sunday evening Bible study and it is so interesting to put it all together....I always want to come home and do more research into what the Bible says about certain things.  Then, I want to go to Israel on one of those archaeological digs...I have a place in mind :)  For instance, Jesus said when the temple was destroyed, not one stone would be left on another.  And a historian from that time period, Josephus, went to Jerusalem after the destruction of the temple and said if he had not known where the temple had been, there would be nothing left to show him it's location.  So, are we, in our current understanding of the area of the temple mount location, incorrect?  How could there still be walls left there if not one stone was left upon the other?  Just saying....and that is just one of the details of scripture we have studied.  Anyway, it is sooooo interesting and I do think that God has hidden many things from us that He will reveal at the right time and we will be so amazed.  I believe we are living in really exciting times for what we will see God reveal to us!  There will be extremely hard times....but, we always have more to look forward to than anything we will experience.

Today, our pastor talked about trusting God and embracing His plan even when times are tough and an outcome looks bleak....my mind wandered to M. Night Shyamalan because of his fame in making movies with crazy twists...he has a new one coming out soon that looks pretty terrifying from the trailer...anyway, I have enjoyed some of his movies for how unpredictable and intense they are, but I cannot really trust M. Night Shyamalan to give me an ending full of redemption....to make the nightmare go away...even if he does that in a couple movies. So I get goosebumps when I think of seeing one of his movies because it scares me where he may take me and, honestly, where I may end up....NOT SO WITH GOD....we may still walk an incredibly crazy journey with disturbing scenes and even stuff of nightmares, but WE CAN TRUST HIM to bring us all the way through it.  His promises are true....He is completely faithful and reliable!

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