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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The permanence blog made me think of one time when McKenna was about three years old and got her hands on a black Sharpie marker.  She decorated her bedroom walls, bedspread, sheets, and herself :P  I wish I had taken a picture of it all because now that would be priceless, but we did get a video of the room before we cleaned it and some footage of her realizing she was probably in big trouble where she starts crying and puts a blanket over her head because she doesn't want us to see her...somehow they are completely safe and have disappeared under that blankie, right? :P

Silence is golden unless you have toddlers....then it is probably Sharpie marker stained :)
Don't worry...it's just a rite of passage for all involved.

I think it is funny that this tutorial picture does not include kids :)

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