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Saturday, August 8, 2015

A Monumental Day

This one is random, but I snapped it at IHOP and thought it was sooo cute of Savannah.

I love this one!  We stumbled upon a little pond out of the way of the crowds as we were making our way to the Lincoln Memorial and this was the view that made me stop in my tracks and say "WAIT...I have to take a picture of this!"....so gorgeous with the weeping willows, geese, and the reflection in the water!

There it is....the place were Brad and I got engaged....the Lincoln Memorial.

Here we are 14 years after that day....close to the day.... it was a little later in August.

At the Vietnam Memorial Wall

Then we walked to the National Air and Space Museum for a tour and IMAX presentation....

Now....what does this button do?  :)  This was a control panel on one of the space shuttles.

We also walked through the WWI and WWII exhibits....it gave me some memories of my grandpa's POW stories.

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