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Saturday, August 29, 2015

"For They Will Not Be Bent Out Of Shape"

While we were on vacation, we got a text that the dance academy where we take Karly for gymnastics was going to be closing their gymnastics program.  That was a shock because there seem to be quite a few girls and a couple boys involved in the program.  After that, we got a bunch of emails and texts from their coach and other moms trying to figure out ways to keep the girls together and not miss too much practice time as a new plan was established.  It looks like their coach is going to open her own gym in October, but....in the meantime, the girls on the SPARKS and li'l SPARKS teams are practicing at a gym in Battle Creek on the weekends because they are hoping to allow these girls to compete this year.  Today, they had a 3 hour conditioning practice session, so I volunteered to be a driver.

The gym was super nice!

It was great to see all our girls working hard together and going through this transition time with flexibility (good quality for a gymnast, right?!).  I have definitely been inspired by their coach!  She has another full-time job, but she has walked through this challenge with grace and determination...not wanting the girls to lose any of the conditioning and skills they have learned so far....and I have not seen any frustration from her though I am sure she has endured plenty.  WOW!

And, one other benefit to having three hours of ME time while I waited.....the 7 Alarm Fire Personal Pan Pizza.....NO WAY my family would eat this, but it was pretty good :P

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