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Friday, August 7, 2015

We enjoyed the International Spy Museum today....I feel like we are doing a lot of stuff related to spying, but everyone seems to be enjoying it!

OH WOW!  I love this green Jaguar!  I know it is a villain car, but still!

We had to pick an identity and try to memorize it quickly....then, throughout the museum we were asked questions about our identity.  We had to answer them correctly or our cover was blown.  This was Karly's identity.

Danielle, testing her surveillance skills

Some history of famous spies...techniques and stories of successes and failures.

Information about cyber spies...Savannah was pretty interested in this.

Variety is the spice of life, right?  Food trucks lining a whole city block :)

Amazing California Sunset Bowl....red beans and rice, salsa, chicken, avocado, cilantro, grilled peppers and zucchini....(that was so I will remember the ingredients and can copy this later).

Enjoying the Museum of Natural History

Yes, that is a huge cockroach!

The Smithsonian Castle

Our attempt at looking like we are holding the Washington Monument....we need a little more practice...well, I take full responsibility for this failure :)  Brad and Kassi are using the force to hold it up, I guess...yep, that's it!  While we were there we think we saw President Obama fly by....we saw a helicopter fly over with the American flag on the side and words written down the middle of the chopper....then we saw another one just like it following with a third, smaller helicopter right behind.  We are thinking that might have been him because there was a decoy chopper travelling with....pretty cool!

Kassi presented her report on the White House....she did a terrific job and had even drawn a picture of it to show us.

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