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Monday, August 17, 2015

There is a weight to God's glory....I hope you have felt it more than once.....when there is conviction of sin or healing....when we are given a holy burden for others....when we find ourselves in His presence as we pray or He illuminates something in His Word for us...I feel it often when I am lost in worship....I don't like saying lost for that....more like in the moments I am not distracted with  anything else and am focused in on praising Him......it is almost impossible to describe because nothing can compare, but it is a magnificent weight!  Tonight, the lesson for our youth was on the glory of God and how we often trade the true glory of God for shadows or images of the real thing.

Your Presence Is Heaven

I was thinking about a few things I have heard or read in devotions lately and I was thinking what if Jesus actually came and sat down with me on the couch in my living room and what if He just looked at me and said, "I love you"....what is that worth to me....what is the weight of that?  That has so much weight....I don't think I would ever be satisfied with anything less.  Like, I have a heavy blanket on my bed....I like it for the softness, but also the weight...some friends from Israel gave it to us as a wedding present and I have never found an equal.  Even in the summer I have to have that weight because I don't sleep well without it.  For me, once I experienced the weight of God's glory, I want to continue in it.  Those moments of sitting with Jesus and knowing we are loved are incredible.  I got the privilege of attending a conference with Savannah one time where the beautiful weight of God's glory totally affected her and impressed upon her how much God loves her...I have had that happen a lot for myself, but I was amazed to watch that happen for her.  Experiencing His love for us and for others is part of how we get caught up in His glory.  Getting a taste of his glory, then craving it..... giving Him glory while being wrapped up in His glory....it is a mystery that is the core of who we are in Christ.

More amazing still is that the glory of His presence is always available to us....how often do we underestimate the weight of that?

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