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Saturday, August 22, 2015


We had a great time at the Lugnut's game last night.  Brad always enjoys getting a little spoiled by being introduced before the game and having a chance to eat in the Clubhouse way above us all :)  Usually, I get to accompany him, but this year I told him he should start giving the girls a chance to go up there and be so privileged (besides, what Karly and I wanted to eat is not served in the Clubhouse....that kind-of deletes or negates my entirely selfless act, right?)...anyway, Savannah wanted to go up there....I was thinking, man, it will take him 5 years to give each of the girls that privilege....ha!  Anyway, my name was on the name tag, so that made it a little awkward for Savannah.....she had to wear "HI, MY NAME IS Heather" :)

But, she still enjoyed the privilege :P  Then, when they returned, she was still wearing that name tag and a bunch of people from our church were joking with her and said they want to be Heather too....yep, that is a privilege :)

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