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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Touring Colonial Williamsburg

We had a beautiful day for touring and learning more about the 18th century in Colonial Williamsburg.  The Governor's Palace and the gardens were breathtaking....I was amazed with the way the grand foyer was decorated!

Looks like a postcard :P  I wanted to take sooooo many pictures.


Grandpa Foster and Karly under a tree canopy in the garden

Learning about basket weaving

This was an awesome moment....this man invited the girls to a lesson in the proper way to have tea....he spent time teaching them manners.  Karly is trying to have perfect posture :)

Then we were off to the races...

Kassi came in second place in the first heat among a bunch of kids.

We heard from an actor portraying Robert Carter III....that was a pretty incredible monologue regarding his faith and how he came to the decision to emancipate all his slaves.  It was a very moving story of how he believed God brought him to an understanding that all men are created equal.

Now Brad wants to live here and work as one of their actors :)  I think he is wondering if the role of Patrick Henry will be available any time soon.

I could live here...it is quite lovely!

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