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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Home Via Bricks and Balloons

I called a coworker at her home because I needed to discuss some work items with her.  She had to take a couple days off this week to watch three of her nieces, but said she would still be working from home so to feel free to call, text or email her there since we are trying to secure our numbers for our incoming class of students.  Anyway, she answered the phone by saying, "You are now one of my heroes!"  I hadn't even started talking about anything I have been working on while she has been out of the office this week, so that threw me.  Then, she said, "How do you raise 5 daughters?!?!"...and we proceeded to laugh about some of the situations and frustrations she has encountered with watching her three nieces for a few days while having her own daughter as well.

That kind-of felt good, you know!?

Life is full of bricks and balloons :)  I guess most days we choose our mode of transportation depending on whether we are looking down or looking up.  Her words were so uplifting to me and hopefully our lighthearted exchange lifted her spirits.  It is a privilege to RAISE children....to teach them to aspire to the best of themselves, to pick them up when they are down, and to teach them to look up to God.

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