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Thursday, July 16, 2015

We Don't Have To Travel Far To Find Our Mission

Wow!  I was running errands with the girls and taking Karly to gymnastics class and I had the opportunity to see a lady who was having a really tough day a couple days ago.  I wanted to follow up with her because I was concerned about her situation and had been praying for peace for her in the midst of her struggle.  She said she was doing a lot better and I was so thankful for that....as the brief conversation was coming to a close she said, "I think I am going to come to your church on Sunday"....she does not have one that she frequents and she said, "I've been thinking I really need to get back to church...I even talked to my kids about it"...I know this may sound bad from a pastor's wife, but I hadn't even invited her to my church.....not that I didn't want to, but I am overly sensitive I guess to making sure people know I am supporting them and that it's about what Jesus wants for them and not as much about getting them to my church...I am sure there are a lot of opinions on that, but I have learned over time that God will probably make the opportunity to invite someone to church if I show them I care....they may even just decide on their own or ask me about my church once they know I am a Christian and they trust me.  Anyway, that was so cool today....I had a happy cry on the way home!

Then, the girls made dinner :)  We had a fancy tea party for this day of STAYCATION.

Here's a new song I love by Need To Breathe.....

Today just reinforced to me how important it is to be there for people and to follow through in prayer and follow up in love.  God does the important work in the heart, but we have such a wonderful opportunity to be used.  There probably aren't many other circumstances in life where we can say....
"I feel used.....and it's awesome!"

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