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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Picnic At Grass Lake

We enjoyed some fun time with friends at Grass Lake...here are some pictures from our afternoon.  Chrissy, I laughed at all the pictures you got of my incredible form as I played Kan Jam before the finger injuries :)


  1. Yes, its a good thing you got hurt, because after seeing your form, Jeff and Brad were scared to play us!! Hope your fingers are ok now. :)

  2. I know! I am sooooo intimidating :) My fingers are still swollen, but not as black and blue as yesterday....now it is fading to a weird greenish color. Brad was making fun of me today because of my toe and now my fingers and I realized they are the exact ones I use to fake shoot him....man, now I have to make up some new imaginary weapon.

  3. I think you better retire from Kan Jam. Or maybe wear gloves with support for your fingers. You need to take it easy today. Make Brad and the girls do all the work and you sit on the couch with your fingers above your heart. :) Ice if needed.

  4. I was googling cures for a frisBEE sting...they are doing experimental research on it in Hawaii and I think it is worth the risk to take the trip :P

  5. Yes, I bet you could be a test subject and they will pay your way for free!! Definitely look into it. I may have to go with you cause I seem to hurt my hand too.
