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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Somebody Got A Little Crabby Today

Brad and I needed to work on Hopetown for a while today....(I SO WISH I could post some pictures of the progress in the children's wing of our church, but we are keeping it off-limits until we are finished for a Grand Opening.....so.....I am guessing I shouldn't show pictures on my blog either....ya think? ) :P.....ANYWAY, we had to be gone from the house for a while for that today.

The girls got a little crabby while we were away....
that does happen sometimes with all the different ideas and personalities mixed together...

BUT....they weren't really fighting today.....actually, they looked through a magazine, saw this idea and made it on the special plate :)  They couldn't wait for us to bring dinner home so they could show us their creation!

Get it?  It's a Crab Apple :) Hey, I kind-a like the concept of edible jokes...yum!

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