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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

He Has Made Me Glad

"You are loved with an everlasting love". This was Elisabeth Elliot's catch phrase for her radio show, Gateway to Joy.  Brad and the youth who went to Wayumi were able to share some of their experiences learning about missions last Sunday in church and Brad shared a little of the story of Elizabeth and her husband, Jim Elliot.  That is such an amazing story to me about how Jim and others tried to reach this group of people for Christ....but, it is also punctuated by the fact that Elizabeth went back after some of the tribal warrior had killed Jim to minister to the people and show them Christ's love....many of them came to know the Lord through her witness.  WOW!

For a few days, I have been asking myself if given a situation like this, would I be willing to do that?  I supposed it is not first a question of if I would want to do it as much as it is... if God called me, would I be obedient?  I do think about Jonah's call and how he ran the other direction and, even once he was redirected by a whale, he still had a rotten attitude about God giving mercy and forgiveness to a people he did not think deserved it. So, obedience is the first part of the equation, but my attitude should also become one of gladness.

In our calling or our jobs...busy, stinky, exciting, menial, important, frustrating...in our moments as witnesses for God, sometimes we need an attitude adjustment.  I love this thought processing by Elisabeth Elliot and thought I would share it with you.

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