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Saturday, July 4, 2015

It was the perfect day for the traditional "walk down the lane to grandma and grandpas house" picture :)

We got to celebrate the 4th of July with Brad's parents and some new friends we met this year.  Fred, Brad's dad, has been working with this family throughout the year, so we have had some time to meet them and get to know them a little bit.  They took us on a sleigh ride in the winter and, at that time, they had a newborn calf....which they decided to name Heather...ha!  So, I got an update on how Heather, the cow, is doing :)  That always cracks me up!

They are an Amish family, so they prefer not to pose for pictures, but they don't mind it you take some.  This is Brad explaining the rules of the ladder ball game to them.

Karly was thrilled to have this butterfly land on her hand and stay there a while....I think the secret is to have a blueberry pop tart for breakfast and NOT wash your hands :P

Fred, the grill master!


So....I didn't even think about it, but I brought small bottles of Coke....you know, TO SHARE A COKE WITH SOMEONE....and some of the Amish children had never had Coke before.....it was the cutest thing to watch them try Coke for the first time and then keep bringing their cups back for more.  I am pretty sure I made some friends with the kids....not sure about mom and dad, though....:P

Fred and Sylvia have such beautiful land that I always want to take lots of pictures while we are there....I let the girls pick places and poses this time.

We had a great time celebrating!

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