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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Gimme The Beat

Savannah has had band camp all this week, so tomorrow we get a sneak peek at what she has learned in color guard.  On the day I took her to her college visit, there was a band practicing at SAU and we had to walk a long sidewalk from the road to the field house.  The drum line for the band was set up under some trees we had to walk right by and they started playing as we walked that long sidewalk....we felt like we had our own beat to strut to :)

You know the cup passing game ?  I learned it a long time ago at a youth camp and have taught it to my girls so we can pass cups around the table sometimes...do you ever try to make up rhythms with your kids at the dinner table?  I like when someone starts one and everyone else tries to add another one on top of it.  Over the years we have tried to add songs to the cup game....like Jesus Loves Me works to the beat and, today,  Kenna and I made up a version of He Has Made Me Glad that seems to work as well.......FUN! FUN! I was so thrilled when I saw the cup game in this video!

(But, I think the biscuits are burnin' and that bothers me :P)

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