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Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Hottest Place North of Havana

We worked in the yard today....

....then took a little road trip to.....

....you thought I was going to say, "THE ZOO!", right?  But, this picture was on a U-HAUL truck at Meijer :P.......fooled you!

We worked on Hopetown for a while....Brad helped me tape off the bricks for Rescue 316....what a tedious job!....I love his expression...this picture makes me laugh :)  I am thankful he has been helping me with prep work for this project.

These are some of the animals at the zoo.....kidding....we went to the Stoddard's pool to hang out tonight.

Kassi, Danielle, and Karly jumped in first!

What's this?....Oh, a cabana.....hmmmmm....nice!  So, I was humming the Copacabana song...start the day with a ukulele song....end the day humming a song about a cabana....why not?... then, I listened to Copacabana later tonight.....you know songs you kind-of think you know and then you listen to them again and you think, "WHAT?!  This is a weird song!"  The moral of Copacabana is basically 


Well, I still like cabanas....regardless!

This is Brad's favorite stance at the Stoddard's pool....he loves throwing the football at the kids as they jump off the diving board.  The lighting was crazy from inside "my" cabana, so he almost looks like one of those silhouette people....I thought I could make him into a cardboard cutout and give it to the Stoddards as a gift so they could have a silhouette of Brad by their pool all the time....I am sure they would love that.....doesn't everyone want a cardboard cutout of their youth pastor?! :P

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