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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Interrupting Owl...

Today's STAYCATION ADVENTURE included tennis....which was really me chasing a bunch of tennis balls everywhere while the girls learn to aim their shots :)  It's a good workout, though! ....that's really what I am after at this phase in my life....play times with the girls that are also good workouts....it's a win....win!

Then, after they wore me out....they really wanted to stop at this little park by the tennis courts where I used to take them when they were really little because they have this tadpole pond.....wouldn't you know they covered the pond over with cement....made me think of the song lyrics "pave paradise and put up a parking lot"....oh well....the girls still had fun playing!

They love this teeter totter :)  We always have to use it as a scale...you know what I mean, right?  We have to all sit on it and change positions until we have it balanced :)

Then it was time for.....(insert angelic AHHHHHHHHHHH!)

....and I love, love, love the rays of sunlight.....ha!  I didn't even have to edit the pic to get that effect!

See the little boy at the end of our table?  He was really supposed to be with his group at a table behind us, but he wanted to join our party.....his mom finally just let him sit with us and we made up a bunch of interrupting knock knock jokes using all kinds of animals.

My personal favorite was the interrupting owl....because, well, I didn't see the punchline coming at me the way it did...I was ready for the girls to interrupt me, but....well, try it!

No matter HOO you are.....I think you'll like it.

Marshmallow Sundae

Caramel Sundae

Blueberry Sundae.....Overall Greatdae!

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