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Sunday, July 5, 2015

Mulch, Sweat, and Shears

We got to celebrate the past week of VBS at church with all the children today and our drama group performed short segments from our nightly skits for the whole church...it was fun to give our whole church some laughter!

Katherine Kent (wearing her "Rocco Villa" shoes) 
and Storm Weathers (wearing....I'm really not sure :)

Our drama team for this year's VBS

What made that sound?.....Could it be BIGFOOT?

After lunch I crashed for about two hours...woke up in a fog, but Brad and I wanted to work on finishing a mulch project we started over the weekend....

Snickers sat out in the yard staring at us while I was holding a shovel for Brad to rake up weeds and extra dirt into....then, all the sudden a mouse jumped out of the pile of weeds and onto my shovel.  Snickers did not chase it....Brad did :P
After that excitement, I was scolding Snickers for not tracking that mouse and she started to track something (like she was making up for missing that one :)....she was all crouched over and crawling through the grass...so I followed her all the way......to a VICIOUS butterfly....thanks for protecting me, Snickers! ha!  SILLY CAT!

I know it might not look like much, but it feels good to finally have mulch all the way around the deck in the backyard....I have weeded it so many times in anticipation for "MULCH DAY"...YAHOO!

"That which God said to the rose, and caused it to laugh in full-blown beauty, He said to my heart, and made it a hundred times more beautiful."  ~Rumi

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