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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Some of our vinyl signage was delivered today for Hopetown, so I ran to Jackson to see how it was looking....I am getting really excited about the opening of Hopetown....carpet and trim are almost finished....so now all the trim has to be painted and I need to add some finishing touches.

Since I was in town anyway, I convinced Brad to try a new Panda Express...I think it has only been opened for two days.

Yummm....Kung Pao and Sweet and Sour Chicken :P

Then, I took Savannah and McKenna for pedicures tonight.  It was the first time they had experienced that and it was funny.  McKenna was fine, but Savannah has trouble like I do with people touching her feet.  She had to have me hold her hand so she could grip it tightly and try not to kick the lady....ha!  I went ahead and had mine done too....I hardly ever do it, but I get to go on a date night with my husband soon, so I thought, WHY NOT?!  Knowing how I have reacted the other two times I have had a pedicure, I warned the lady doing my toes that I am a serious kicker....but, I promised to do my best to refrain.  SHE TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THAT KNOWLEDGE AND TORMENTED ME BY PURPOSEFULLY TICKLING MY FEET SEVERAL TIMES!  She.....and Savannah and McKenna thought that was hilarious! 

1 comment:

  1. Good post. I was searched this topic. Finally I got the information in this blog. Thanks for posting such a nice article.- vinyl signage
