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Friday, September 4, 2015

Yes, They Are Painted Red

Really, the "God particle" at CERN "ain't got nothing" on God....no matter how powerful it is, how dangerous it could be, or how recklessly it might be operated by the great minds who are driven to achieve something beyond this world.

 God will never meet His match :)  

And this is GOD who loves us.  This is GOD who made a way to bring us through a door from Earth to our heavenly home.  

September is a wild and crazy month for all that is happening in our world....politically, with the U.N. talks regarding sustainability for our planet and the Pope's visit to the U.S., militarily speaking, with the Jade Helm exercises, celestially, with the signs in the heavens coinciding with the Jewish feast days, scientifically, with the resuming of the operation of the Hadron Collider in Geneva, religiously, specifically with the end of the Jewish Shemitah and beginning of the Year of Jubilee ....and much more.  I think it is pretty exciting to be alive....but, all these world events can cause me to focus on the details instead of what is important.  I sometimes have those "Martha moments" when I get a little lost in details....worried, concerned, frustrated....and God reminds me to be like Mary.

He takes care of our needs and, even our desires...I woke up yesterday morning and had a project I wanted to work on for church before work...but, I also wanted to get a few Hinkley's doughnuts and let my international friend sample the best doughnuts in Michigan (with me, of course :)  But, I couldn't do both, so I worked on the church project and then went to work.  I walked in the door and someone was bringing in a box of Hinkley's doughnuts....isn't God funny like that?....So, I was able to have doughnuts with my friend.  That's a weird example, I know, but it was at the front of my mind.

It's not that we should be oblivious to things, it's more that we are rightly focused.  Our time hinges on Jesus Christ....He holds everything together and is our gateway to bring us into eternity....
(Jesus' blood is the "GOD particle" we are searching for...without it, there is no life.)

"Some theologians have argued that the shed "blood" of Christ is irrelevant in salvation and that it is merely a metaphor for His "death."  This is wrong.  Had Christ died in some fashion not requiring the pouring out of his life-blood, His death in itself was not enough, for "without shedding of blood is no remission" (Hebrews 9:22), since "the life of the flesh is in the blood" (Leviticus 17:11).  His blood is infinitely "precious" (1 Peter 1:19).  We are "justified by His blood" and saved "through faith in His blood" (Romans 3:25), having "redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins"  (Ephesians 1:7).  Its efficacy will never lose its power, for it is "the blood of the everlasting covenant" (Hebrews 13:20)."

Be covered in it.

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