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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Happy PARMA Day!

The little town I live in has a special day every Fall when we have a parade, a kiddie carnival in our church parking lot, vendor booths down Main Street, corn hole tournaments, and food and events at the Fire Station....it is a fun day!

Yesterday, when I was helping Vannah get ready for Homecoming I started thinking how quickly Kenna is arriving to THAT AGE...sometimes the older ones keep us really busy and we don't see the others sneaking up on adulthood until BAM.....what happened?!

Village Hope Church's own Justin Hauglie got to lead the parade this year....Danielle and Karly enjoyed posing with him.

Getting ready to ride their bikes with others from Village Hope Church who were passing out candy and fliers.

This was Vannah's first year to march in the parade with the band :)

How did that picture get in here?  Because that car ROCKS!  How can those ladies across the street not be paying attention to this?

All the girls helped so much at the Kiddie Carnival....at the last minute Brad realized another group that was supposed to come help us man the games had backed out.  I got that proud mommy feeling that almost makes me cry as I watched them helping all their friends play the games when I know they probably just wanted to be running all around the carnival like hooligans too.  Kenna even got a little "Carnie" on us as she called out for people to come over to her game :P.

Inside, we offered free coffee and apple crisp...and Hope Floats...strawberry, peach, grape, orange, and Coke floats.  That seemed to be a hit!

We had a balloon professional...I am not sure what the correct title is for a person who makes balloon creations.  Anyway, he made hats, animals, swords, a cool bow and arrow....and one really interesting thing I had never before seen.

He asked Savannah for a dime....(so she asked me :)....I was thinking, "why is he charging her a dime for her creation when all the others were free?"....WEIRD!  Then he made her a....

...yes, Vannah is engaged to the balloon man...hahahaha!  I have really been having too much fun with that one!

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