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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Well, I still have five daughters....they all survived the first day of school!

Danielle did throw up once in the bathroom at school, BUT felt much better afterwards and had a great day!  She is excited about her class and, even though she was upset that a couple of her best friends were in another class, she managed to find some friends in this one :)

Karly said a little boy named Jagger sits across from her in class.  She said, "Mom, he stared at me all day!"  I said, "Karly, if he sits facing you it probably just seems like he is staring because he is facing you."  Then Karly said, "BUT he never blinks...it's weird!" (HILARIOUS!)

Kassi's favorite thing is that now she is in fifth grade and rules the elementary school!  She get to be backpack buddies with three kindergarteners and make sure they are always ready for the bus.

 McKenna couldn't find her course schedule which included her locker combinations for her main locker and her gym locker, but she had looked at it enough times she pretty much had it memorized.  It kind-of panicked her, but she made it through the day....found all her classes in the right order and got her lockers opened.  After school, she found her course schedule in her backpack where she had looked a bunch of times...DOH!

Western Middle School/ High School hired a new band teacher this year and it is the brother of the current band teacher....so, they have Mr. Bickel and Mr. Bickel for band.  I am not sure why that is so funny to me, but it cracks me up to think of that for a class....plus, you would have to know those guys because they are hilarious....I can only imagine what band will be like this year with them both together.  Today, one of the Mr. Bickels had something stuck to his shoe, so McKenna was trying to be helpful.  She said, "Mr. Bickel" to get his attention and they both stopped what they were doing and looked at her :)  So she pointed and quietly said, "That one."  "You have something stuck to your shoe."

Savannah had Cross Country practice after school and got out early, so I got a call about 4pm (instead of 5pm) that she was finished.  I went to pick her up and realized it was transfer time at the middle school....that is when all the elementary kid's buses assemble at the middle school and they transfer them to the correct buses to go home.  So, my three younger girls were there waiting for the buses to leave for home.   We asked the bus driver if we could just pick them up then since we were there.  The bus driver asked if we just wanted to take all the kids from Miner Rd.....hehe! First day of school and I almost got to be a bus driver... I love first day of school stories :)

Inspirational quote of the day from Savannah: "Today is going to be a better year, I can feel it!"

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