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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Your testimony is so important.  It is where you intersect with God, or rather where you have become aware of God meeting you and you tell that story through your words and actions.  Many times, we are more keenly aware of His presence in the middle of our pain, but that is not always where we see Christ at work in our lives.  Testimonies are much like doors because what we articulate through them is a place where we know we have encountered God...And, through them we open the opportunity for others to meet God too when we share our experience.  It is so tempting to think our testimony doesn't hold much weight or it isn't powerful enough, or, as this statement suggests, it isn't big enough to make a difference, but as we are in Christ, we realize it is ever changing and deepening and it is beautiful....even if it includes much pain because it is door after door of being led by our Savior.  It's important to open as many doors as possible to Christ with our lives and our words.

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