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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Cause For ConCERN?

So, I try to stay up on things going on in the world...not necessarily with celebrities, but things that could affect us all on a grand scale.  I, especially, get really interested in things that line up with scripture or prophecy.  I trust GOD and I don't want to share this to make anyone fearful, but awareness is a good thing....and prayerful awareness is always where we should center ourselves!  I have been studying recently about this incredible and controversial machine that seems like it came out of a Sci-fi movie and seems UNREAL, but it is actually real and blows my mind.

I don't know if it will coincide with prophecy, but it has some potential connections with descriptions in scripture, so I think it is wise to have knowledge of it....thus, I am sharing it.  There is a link below for an article I found interesting about some of CERN's work on the "God particle":


Did you know CERN brought us the World Wide Web in 1993?

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