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Friday, September 11, 2015

Buried Treasure

We went to pick up our niece tonight so she could attend the Western football game with us and this is how my husband came back to the van from getting her :P  WOW...he was excited!

While he was waiting for her, his brother said, "I have something for you and you can even wear it tonight!" It was a bit short....BUT....it was Brad's senior sweatshirt from 1990...his name straddles the top dot in the 9....I found it for him because his eyesight isn't so great nowadays...haha!  That is an "old" joke....I had a few of them for him tonight.  I told him he needed to wear it tonight and find as many other people who graduated in his class as he could and I would take his picture with them....he seemed excited about my plan and so was I.  He found one guy who graduated with him and asked him, "where is your name on this shirt?"  BUT, the guy really didn't seem interested and responded something like, "Oh, it's somewhere on there."...I could tell he would not be interested in me taking their picture together with Brad's awesome sweatshirt.....maybe next time, Brad :) 

(Oh, I am sure there will be a next time :)

Arms. Not. Long. Enough....I realized I totally need a selfie stick tonight....I can't get our whole family in any pictures....and my neck always looks weird since I am usually the one trying to stretch to make it happen.

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