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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Save The Date

I believe we are very close to Christ's return.  I know we probably don't know an exact time, but we have been told we can know the season and there is much scripture that explains what it will be like in our world when that time comes.  I also think the Spirit works through the Word of God to reveal these mysteries to us if we are diligently seeking. A friend and I were talking at church a couple weeks ago and we got on this subject...we talked about what we might do if we knew Christ was coming for us in a week.  Would you change anything?  What if you knew He was coming in two days...is there anything urgent that comes to your mind or heart that you would want to take care of this weekend?

Yesterday, we heard a lot about the first responders to our national time of need during 9/11 and I have been thinking about these individuals.  They are heroic....they may not be called on all the time, but they train like they will be.  They are such great examples of our need for readiness...for alertness.  For instance, firemen and women participate in training exercises to combat fires.  They never know when the fire will happen, but they know it will come....they are always ready.   Even when they sleep, they know they could be called on and they even go to the extent of having their clothing ready so they can dress as fast as possible.

I believe we also must live ready for Christ's return.  I think of the parable of the ten virgins....how 5 were ready for Him and 5 were not prepared.

It's like, Christ sent us a "Save The Date" card to our own wedding, but didn't add the date....that would actually be an awesome idea for an engagement surprise, I think. He is going to come for us when His Father says, "the time is NOW".  So, how would we be ready for that?.... By waking up everyday knowing this could be the day of His return....not in dread, but in joyful expectation like a bride awaiting her bridegroom, by living how we know He has taught us to live and repenting when we find ourselves going astray, by communicating with Him in the ways He has allowed us to have communion...and by doing it all out of LOVE.  If we do this every day, the oil will not need replenished.

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