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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My ORIENTation

Everyday, I am learning new things from my new international buddy.  I took her to lunch today and she told me she has started to compile a list of things that are different between our countries or things she considers interesting.  It is funny to see what she perceived about the United States before she came here....like, she always wondered about why there are so many pictures of red barns with the white crisscross on the door, so when we drove from Spring Arbor into Jackson she was counting all the red barns and was amazed that is TRULY a real thing :P  She also asked me if we have paperboys and is intrigued by all our mailboxes....all this randomness is SOOOO delightful to me.  Today, I taught her the difference between our coins and she paid for her own meal and we talked through an appropriate tip....she was so worried that she didn't have exact change, so I was teaching her that she can overpay for things and receive change back....then consider her tip.

My family was planning to take her out to dinner yesterday, but I found out she had met some people and was planning to eat with them....which was awesome and just what I am praying for her. Students are starting to return to campus, so I can start connecting her with students and help her build a support group.  So, anyway I came home and Karly and Kassi were SUPER dressed up.  They wanted to impress her at dinner :)  They asked me, "do they have princesses in Thailand?"  I told them I wasn't sure, but I would ask her.

Today, we talked about the King of Thailand and that in Thailand you must be incredibly respectful and honoring to royalty.  So, yes....there are princesses, but she said to tell my girls they are not like Disney Princesses....she did think it was great that they dressed up to meet her and said she would like to dress up to meet them as well :).  Here are a few examples she gave me of the level of respect you must pay to the King:  If you are going to watch a movie in a theater you must stand at the beginning of the movie as the King's Song is played in order to honor him....if you do not, you could be arrested.  Also, say you drop a coin and it is rolling away from you, you CANNOT use your foot to stop the coin or stomp on it to keep it from rolling any further because the King's image is on that coin and that would be dishonoring the King. Wild, right?  Then, we talked a lot about missions in Thailand because her parents are missionaries in that area with a group that began from Hudson Taylor's ministry.

I haven't gotten a lot of other work done this week (which is at the back of my mind....nagging at me even though I try to shoooosh it)....but, I had no idea this would be such a wonderful experience...I am loving it!....so grateful for the treasure of these couple days.

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