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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

I spent another day with the international student I recruited from Thailand.  Due to her limited flight options, she had to come to the U.S. a few days before everything on campus is up and running. (Which means HEATHER is up and running :)   I took her on a tour of campus and was thrilled to run into one of the art professors who did an amazing tour of the Art Department with us since she is planning to major in Art.

Then, we went out to eat and to Meijer to purchase a few things she realized she needed for her room.  It is funny to watch her take in her first experiences in the U.S.....a few for instances:  She is amazed that our restaurants have personal servers and wondered what tips are and how we figure out how much of a tip to give....she kept walking to my side of the van because in her country they drive on the opposite side....she has been so overwhelmed with the portion sizes when she eats out and was amazed at how big our bags of chips are :)....she really wanted to sample American candy....she also didn't know how to use the check-out lanes at the store, so we took a little extra time there for a lesson on all the lanes and which one to pick depending on how many items are in your cart, how to weigh apples and bananas and choose that option at check-out and how to pay into the machines and receive change.

It is fun to see life through someone else's eyes and experiences!   
At the end of our time together today, she asked me what our movie theaters are like....should I take her to an IMAX? :P.....this is so fun!

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