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Monday, September 14, 2015

Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun

Wookiee what I found tonight...

This is the perfect reason to start drinking a Spiced Latte tomorrow :P  Who knew there were cinnamon spice sticks in Chewie's bandolier?

It was a running errands night....so I took Kenna and Kassi with me as helpers...we got groceries, Kenna got a trim and Kassi got a chop....

She was so happy I was going to let her get so much cut off....she bopped around all night!  

And I got some cheap picture frames to start making a Halloween themed mantle with the cute witch pictures my friend, Chrissy, took of the girls last year....
STILL LOVE THE FLYING PICTURE....I'm so glad we tried that in the field even though it was hard to get them all to jump at the same time.

That was so fun!  BUT, Kenna looks to be flying backwards with the way her hair is flying...ha!  She obviously has not taken Driver's Ed yet.

Now, I think I just need a broom and some bats or was that an eye of newt and venom of snake?


  1. Replies
    1. It's not finished yet, but it's a start....I had to place it all on there to see if I could even fit it all...I had to scrunch it, so now I just have to add some pretties...but, don't worry, "I'll get them, my pretty"....hahahahaha!
