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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Mind The Gap

I was crossing my leg while working on data entry yesterday and didn't even realize my right foot was totally asleep.  I went to stand up and had no feeling there and really no control of that foot because it thought it lacked strength since it couldn't get the message from my brain that I was intending to stand up...ha!  I think it is funny that we say it is "asleep" when that happens.  THEN THE PINS AND NEEDLES SET IN and those can be painful!

Many people think this happens because there is a lack of blood flow to your foot.  I thought, oh, I will write about there being power in the blood, but I read about it today and it is really more about the nerves in our body.  The nerves send messages back and forth from your brain to your body and when you have compressed or squished those nerves for a while, the messages can't be sent.  That connection is cut off and you can't feel anything.

I got thinking about that concept in terms of my spiritual life.  There are times I go through where I feel a lack of energy, motivation, some would say, ZEAL, in my faith.  My spiritual nerves seem squashed and the connection feels lost, leaving me weak.  If Christ is the head and we are the body, that makes sense to me.  He emphasizes the need for a close connection in so many different ways throughout scripture. But, if we aren't in his Word and in prayer as we ought to be, we are squashing the connection we have to Him and His messages to us are not being received.  Then we start to wonder why we feel NOTHING....at least I have been at places in my life where I wonder why I am experiencing very little compassion for people.

Lord, I pray for your mind in me...that I would handle my circumstances through humility and submission to You...not attempting to be GOD of my own life.  Make me always desire good for others and put their needs above my own needs, wants, or agenda.  Create in my heart a passion to serve and see Your will accomplished in my circle of influence.

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