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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

When You Can't Handle The Pressure

Today was a rough day at work.....this is probably the busiest time of year for me in Admissions ...trying to tie up all the loose ends for the students I have recruited throughout the year, getting flight arrangements and transportation from airports to school for my international students, securing details for my online Dual Enrollees because online classes start next week for some of them.... and just really hoping and praying and working hard to make sure all the financial aid and billing statements match up correctly for all my families.  I seriously was thinking..... I just need a good laugh when I get home.  Something made me remember a time I laughed SOOOOO hard.  I think it may be in my top 5 for times I laughed the most....but it is hard to know for sure.  The year was probably 1998 or 1999 and I went to a conference in Orlando, FL.  A colleague and I decided to go to the Wet 'n' Wild waterpark during some free time that day and this waterpark had the BEST BEST BEST water ride EVER....so unique.  Seriously, if I ever find another place that has that ride, I'm going, but I think the ride has been removed from most places.  It was called the Hydra Fighter and you sat back to back in these bungee swing things and fought three other couples at the other three corners of the ride.  You semi-controlled your swing with the water pressure of a fire hose and could go super high, so you could either point the water in the direction of the other riders and pummel them with the water or you could turn your water pressure in the direction of the ground and let the pressure send you and your friend flying high into the air :)

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