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Monday, August 22, 2016

Vannah told me tonight that she forgot her locker combo, but she thinks muscle memory will kick in on the first day of school....I wish I could be there to see if that really will work for her....haha!  

Karly, Danielle, Kassi, and McKenna had their school orientation tonight.  Brad and I had to split up, so he went with Kassi to 6th grade orientation while I took Karly and Danielle to 3rd and 5th grade orientation.  Then I met up with them at the Middle School to see how Kassi was doing and find McKenna who was starting through her 8th grade schedule.  I finally caught up with her in the hallway between her 2nd and 3rd hour class and she was being sooooo dramatic saying, "I have noooooo parent with meeeeeee!"  I thought she probably just said it that once, but later several other parents were repeating it back to me so evidently she was groveling for pity for a little while :P

My favorite embarrassing moment tonight....somewhere in the process of walking to a million different classrooms, I must have leaned up against a chalkboard with the word awesome on it...haha....and I was wearing a black shirt.....yep,

1 comment:

  1. I also had an embarrassing moment last night during back-to-school night at Grass Lake Middle School. At about 6 pm a mother of one of my students informed me that my zipper was down...it had been that way since students and parents started coming into the school at 4:45pm. Awesomely embarrassing.
