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Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Second Drawer To The Right....

I am certainly in Peter Pan mode because of the drama camp.  Last night we had the youth over to our house for a cookout and movie night as Plan B....Plan A was going to be a little road trip to Muskegon with them, but the weather changed our plans.  Anyway, someone asked where something was in my kitchen and the answer was, "the second drawer to the right"....then I couldn't stop thinking of the song....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kReGp7v4vG4...:)  The girls and I were singing that and inserting the word, DRAWER...haha....we are a weird family!

I heard great reports of the show....it was funny because I knew I would be super busy on campus with visitors and probably couldn't steal away for the show, but we had a group of prospective music students who wanted to see the auditorium right before the show started, so I was able to walk with them to the auditorium and give all the kids high fives before they went on as they waited outside the auditorium for their signal to enter.  It seriously never ceases to amaze me how sweetly God pays attention to each individual detail and gives us the desires of our heart which are in accordance to His Will.

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