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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Some Crazy Fun!

We enjoyed spending some time with friends to celebrate a birthday today out at Grass Lake after church....

They brought the hulk gloves for me to wear when I play Kan Jam....this little goose looks so cute with them on :)

Then we had some crazy Back To School fun with the youth group...messy games are a MUST!

This was the "try to stick as many Lifesavers on your partner's face as possible" game :)

The Dizzy Run Game....spinning the bat on the ground and in the air....

This table was coated with BBQ sauce, Italian Dressing, Smoked Hickory Flavoring, Relish, Jalapeno juice, garlic, and pineapple juice and the kids had to push a pineapple chunk through it with some part of their face.....some did their nose, some...chin, some....tongue...Kassi tried her forehead....but it was pretty disgusting....mostly because the smell was sooooo strong.

They are trying to melt a frozen t-shirt the fastest :)

Vannah's team won and got it on her the fastest!


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