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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

That feeling you get when you are walking through the store on a mission and your kid is trailing behind....then you hear...."MOM!....MOM!....MOM!"  and you just know whatever that is....it is definitely NOT on the list :P  I always picture myself turning around to see it in slow motion.

She was super excited to find this laundry detergent because it is labeled CHEER and COLOR GUARD...both of her favorite sports/activities....wish laundry was also her favorite activity.... :)  She is getting ready to head to varsity cheer camp tomorrow.  We attended the meeting and realized we needed to pick up some last minute cheer necessities....we are going to try to make her look like a pinata....it's a long medium length story, but apparently they are having a spirit parade and her team's theme is birthday parties......if they are creative, they could win a ribbon....so.....these are the things moms find out on the night before....ha!

 Not 30 seconds after that, I got this picture texted to me from McKenna and Danielle from home saying, "We karate chopped the styrofoam!"....(sometimes complete randomness makes me laugh so much...or I am just tired) Hmmmm....looks like they are just waiting around to hit something....I wonder what will happen when I take my lovely pinata home? :P

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