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Saturday, August 13, 2016

I had a weird dream last night....must have been due to too much cookie dough dip....one of our youth brought it to our house and it was totally yummy on Nilla Waffers....it was sitting by me during the movie :P

Anyway, my dream was interesting...it was one of those where you wake up and then try to go to sleep again because you really want to see what happens next.  It was kind-of a political dream, but we were going about the election process totally differently.  People voted on the issues not on the candidates, first.  Once a majority viewpoint on an important issue was established, three individuals who had been consistent with a voice toward the same overall view on that issue were located, but maybe with different plans to accomplish it.  Then voters elected a person out of those three who they felt had the best plan for that issue.  I never got to the point in my dream where I knew if we were electing a president or if we were just electing a governing body, but it was still intriguing and I have been thinking about it a lot since I woke up and wondering if something like that could eliminate so much of the polarity we experience with two separate parties or the scandals and fraud involved in selecting a celebrity-ish candidate.  Instead, we would be looking for someone who has been consistently fighting for a cause.  I am sure, no matter what the process, there will always be some foul play, but this just seemed interesting to me.

I guess it holds elements of having Cinderella's shoe...then searching for her and the ideology of Arthur's round table where all seated at the table were equal. Dreams are funny things.....


Yes, there could still be some IS-SHOES...

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